Servis, Calibrations, Repairs
The company CRESSTO s.r.o. has a standard offer of these services for their customers:
Issuing a protocol about sensor or gauge measuring. This measuring is carried out at the workplace and by means of the instruments of the company CRESSTO. The protocol can be issued for a new product, a repaired product or whenever after a product is delivered to the company seat.
Arranging sensor and gauge calibration at an accredited calibration metrological laboratory. This calibration can be carried out for a new product, after a repair or whenever after a product is delivered to the company. The price for this operation, stated in the price list, is for new products, in other cases it can be slightly different.
Guarantee and post-guarantee repairs or reconstructions of own products. In post-guarantee repairs, a defect analysis with the price estimation is made first and then sent to the customer for approval.
Service and calibration of leakage gauges made by the company , which can be carried out both at the customer´s workplace or directly in the company CRESSTO s.r.o.
Sale of attachments and spare parts for own products.