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  • easy operation

  • good legibility of the data

  • modern construction

  • microcomputer control

  • big variability

  • power supply 240V

  • protection IP65

PMI - digital pressure panel manometer

Ordering code

The product prices are available after
 Code PMID100  
 type of press. measure. Off R - relativeR   
Off A - absolute, barometricalA   
On D - differentialD   
 nominal pressure range Off 01 - 100 Pa 01  
Off 1 - 1 kPa 1  
Off 10 - 10 kPa 10  
On 100 - 100 kPa 100  
Off 1000 - 1000 kPa 1000  
 display On - 3,5 digits display    
 pressure connection On - quick-couple 5mm   

By default is PMI device only display unit. For measuring pressure is necessary to select an additional accessory: Internal pressure transmitter

Additional accessories

Accuracy 0,5% off
24 months warranty off
Non-accredited calibration protocol off
Accredited calibration protocol off
Accredited calibration protocol <1kPa off
One touch fitting off
Internal pressure transmitter off
Communication line RS232, RS485 off
Double comparator off
D/A converter off
Table top version off

Ordering code of choosing product PMID100  
193.00Total price VAT excluded193.00

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